Sunny Daze: In Praise of the Ephemeral

I’ve been thinking lately a lot about that fact that some of the best things in life leave no visible mark. They instead fill our heart with light and joy in the moment, and thereafter forever in the memory but we have no souvenir or footprint to show for it.

A flower. A baby’s smile. A wave. A good meal w a friend. A killer joke. 

We grasp so often at physical artifacts when so much of what we need, what fuels our hearts, is ephemeral, and yet infinite in the corner of our brain that it is stored.

There is nothing that lights me up right now like a smile from our daughter, who just started smiling in the last couple weeks. How does one tiny creature, who can’t talk or cook me eggs, inspire so much joy and mirth? So much of our days are just those tiny millions of moments that add up to this flowing river of love. Watching her breathe, tickling her belly, bopping her on the nose. A million fleeting beautiful searing moments that I have nothing to show for, no proof of, except the feeling of belonging and peace. <3