First True Loves, in Blue
Willy was my first true board love. I bought Willy, my first surfboard (a Wavestorm) from Costco for $150 bucks plus free shipping. He arrived at my doorstep in Arlington, MA, practically the length of the porch, and I died with excitement. I wanted Willy to sleep in my bed. I wanted Willy to sit with me on the commute to work.
He saw the waves in Gloucester, Nahant, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. I learned about pearling, and stalling, and popping up, and looking up, on Willy. I learned how to carry a board, the feel of a wave consistently taking you, on Willy. For Willy I will be forever grateful.
But as I started catching things more consistently, I wanted more of a challenge. So last year, for my bday, my ex bought me a new board, Blue Moon, from Cinnamon Rainbows, an 8-foot board that I’ve been jamming on for about a year now. And we are jamming. I don’t think I caught a single wave for a one, two month period on BM. But I’ve been logging hours, double seshies, dawn patrol, out on our sweet little rollers and out on our moving mountains when they randomly roll in in the summer, and I’m having so much fun.
When I think of those two surfboards, I just feel love. I’m still getting there with my 5’6 Mick Fanning softop board I bought at Cinnamon, but slowly, ever-so-slowly, that’s growing too. I take that one out on sloppy joe days and it’s punchy and fun and a totally different ride. And I’m at the point where I’m comfy trading boards out on the water with buds and giving them a go—something a year ago I would have fallen off my board at the thought of.
It’s all about logging hours and having fun.
Willy’s in my storage unit, but I blow him a kiss every time I go in there, and will never ever get rid of him. He’s the perfect board for newbie surfer buds coming up for a fun day at the beach. In Willy we trust.
Me and Blue Moon. July, 2019. (C) Alana Martin, @alana29s