some of my fav artists' work principles/ethics/learning moments

Seattle-raised, soul-bearing rapper Macklemore

Throw me a gold mine, and a co-sign

While you're riding a couple dope rides

Two women, both dimes

Not gonna lie, that shit sounds so nice

But I got creative control, and my soul's mine

-Macklemore, Victory Lap

Ten million sold, go and look at that

Ain't no middleman gonna get any of that

I suck at math, but I know how to add (1 + 1)

That's a whole lotta money

-Macklemore, Ten Million

Guitar-slaying Jack White on working inside the box and forcing yourself to work:

Maggie Rogers & Pharrell Williams Masterclass Clips

A look into the art and business world of Jim Henson
Elizabeth Hyde Stevens: Make Art Make Money: Lessons from Jim Henson on Fueling Your Creative Career