On Lafayette Road, Strength from Firewater

I drove on that stretch of Lafayette, between Tidewater Campground and Life Storage, where the road bisects the marsh. On my left, the ocean lay a mile or two off, on my right, forest. It was morning, and the water of the marsh caught the light and reflected it back, orange fire. Everything glowed and it was so so quiet.

This was a moment that entered my heart and infused it with the strength and magic I would need. It was all so beautiful, and so available to me, right here, miles from home, on a morning drive.


I had entered that year repeating over and over, I just have to get stronger. And I wasn’t quite sure why, at times, those words, that mantra, rumbled through my heart over and over.

But I know when I saw the moonstone water diffusing the fire of the sky, it breathed power and strength into me. Much needed. Strength I would draw on a few short months later.